Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

10 The goodness in people that can be implemented into an Organization (Company)

• Responsible for
The responsible person will be ready to accept the obligations and tasks assigned. In doing a job he will be responsible for what he did.

• Possitive Thinking
Will always try to see and be positive and in resolving the issue will see the good side first.

• Easy Sympathy
People who are easy to feel sympathy for the distress the other person around. In the organization of sympathy will be able to provide motivation to the members of other organizations who are experiencing problems.

• Empathy
People who have an empathy will understand the condition or feelings of others without ignoring its own sake. In the organization he would put himself in a condition that occurs.

• Honest
A truthful man can be trusted. He will always provide the appropriate information to the organization (company) where he is.

• Easy to adapt
People who will be easily adaptable to fit into a new environment within the organization. He will be able to enter and diffuse to the surrounding environment and be able to put itself on the existing conditions.

• Faithful
The faithful will have a strong commitment to the organization which he lived.

• Discipline
People who will undergo disciplinary activities he has in accordance with what he had scheduled. He will menati existing rules within the organization.

• Loyal
Loyal people will give their time and thoughts to the organization which he lived.

• Working hard
People who work hard to be serious to build more advanced and evolving organization.

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